
Note From the Team


If you made it to this page then you are coming from the PA Farm Show, welcome!

Here at Woodland BIO, we are working to build a commercial-scale plant for converting woody biomass into 87-octane gasoline that works with existing cars and infrastructure. The first facility is designed for Tioga County, PA, with plans to expand to the rest of PA after the first successful project.

This year's theme, "Empowering Pennsylvania," perfectly aligns with our mission to harness local resources in a way that benefits our communities and environment simultaneously. By transforming forest residuals into valuable fuel, we're reducing carbon emissions while supporting local economies and job creation in Pennsylvania.

We invite you to join us on this empowering journey. Please, follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter using the links below πŸ‘‡ to stay updated on our progress and help spread the word about our innovative project.

Thanks and enjoy the Farm Show!

-The Woodland BIO Team

If you want to support our mission there are two ways you can help us:


Follow us on social media to help spread the word about our mission! It is free to do and could make a big difference in getting the project going.

Learn More by Watching

Watch this presentation by Woodland BIO’s founder, Luca Pandolfi, at the Keystone Merge event in July of 2024 in Harrisburg, PA. After a quick review of Woodland BIO, Luca digs into the challenges facing companies moving from pilot-scale technology to commercial-scale manufacturing, followed by a Q&A session with the entrepreneurship community of Pennsylvania.

More Resources: